Thursday, May 3, 2007

Happy Birthday Daisy!


daisy said...

Thanks Shalyse. I'm so excited to read all the nice things everyone is going to say to me.

phyllip/shalyse said...

Yep's your wifes birthday. That means you're on garbage duty, kids bath duty, dinner duty, dishes duty, laundry duty, and a night out for Daisy duty! Hope you can get off work early!
Happy Birthday Daisy! Hope you have a great day!
D-Darn good sister-in-law!
A-Amazing mom
I-Intelligent (Thanks for answering
all my new mom questions!)
S-Selfless (you have to be with 4
kids, right!)
Y-Young, you're only 29 right???

daisy said...

Shalyse, Thanks! You are too nice!

Jaren said...

Way to go Sheese! Now I can just say dido to everything you said!! Bloging is so easy! Happy 19th Daisy!