Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My talk about Alex

We took these pictures with Alex right before he left.

My cousin is going on a mishin. I was there when he got his mishin called to Greece. He is 19 years old. I am going to miss him. But I know that Jesus is going to make sher that he will be safe. I asked him a fyou questions befour he left.
  1. Who are you going to miss the most? he said his family
  2. Are you skeired? he said no I'm excited
  3. What do you do on a mishin? he said you go to houses and shair the gospel
  4. Why are you going on a mishin? he said beacus he got called to go

Friday, March 23, 2007

Such a talented family

It's too bad that Hillary didn't make it as far this year in the Amazing Race. She did so well the last time around, and don't forget- won Survivor All Stars. We have enjoyed watching her on all her reality T.V. appearances. Question though: Brenton, who is that guy with her?

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hurricane 1/2 Marathon

So...who's in? It is on Cinco de Mayo (a great way to celebrate). May 5th. It's a race for all runners...a 5k for beginners and a 1/2 marathon for more beginners. I did it once and it is a pretty good course, lots of downhill. Also, I heard that they now allow you to do the St. George marathon if you do 3 out of 5 other St. George races and this one is one of them. So it will likely fill up quick (Painters run met their cap of some 1600 or so and turned people away!). So don't delay registration (I'll try to practice what I preach). Plus you still have 6 weeks to train...ooodles of time! You can register here .

Links to Blogs

Hey, does anyone else have a blog or are there any blogs that we would like to link to from our site? I put a link to mine on the right side and can put a link to anyone else's that we may find interesting. Just let me know whose it is and what the URL is and I will add it.

American Idol

American Idol season 6 is well on it's way! I don't know who Brenton is talking about regarding my twin, but for all the little cousins who watch every week with me... I speak Blake is my boyfriend! So, I had this great page all ready to publish yesterday, until my computer just shut down. So here it is a day late, with my top and bottom picks. JSYK Stephanie Edwards was in my bottom 3, so I've had to re-adjust since she's gone.

Top 3 Picks:
1. Blake Lewis (Beat Box Guy) - did I mention he is my boyfriend?
2. Melinda Doolittle (Black Back-Up Singer)
3. Chris Sligh (Chubby Guy With Curly Hair)

Bottom 3 Picks:
1. Sanjaya Malakai (Do I Need To Explain)
2. Phil Stacy (Bald Lurpy Guy)
3. Jordin Sparks (17 Year Old Kind Of Black Girl)

So there you have it!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

text your vote now

i was all excited to come in this morning and ask everyone if they thought mccall was going to win in american idol and then i forgot. i really need to work on my blogging. anyways... will mccall take it home?


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Crazy Memories....

The other day I was remembering when we first moved to St. George and we lived with ma and pa Scott. We slept in the living room, which was just off of the kitchen, so very early in the morning we would hear a loud crackling... then stop...crackling...stop...crackling. It was Jaren (or "Fire") getting his mug filled with ice from the freezer door before heading off to work-- which was driving a linen truck-- which required him to wear shorts-- which reminded me of Doug on the King of Queens. Anyway Jaren was trying to be nice and not be loud, but the pausing and then some made it much worse and just dragged on the loudness. That is probably why I get so irritated when my girls are getting ice and they keep pushing for the ice again and again and again....it reminds me of being woken up so early in the morning, many years ago.

Monday, March 19, 2007

who new?

the scott family has a blog for 2 days and everyone can't get enough. luckily ma hinted that i should write, or you all wouldn't even know if i'm alive. you want an update... well i'm sitting here at my computer waiting for a guy from the Technology and Commercialization Department to send my my collaboration letter so that I can submit this grant that is due by 10 am in the morning. Everything is set... just waiting for 1 stinking letter. Is that pretty exciting. Don't you all feel better knowing what I'm up to.
Oh yah... we sold our house, bought a townhome, Emma is sick, Libby is psycho, Sawyer doesn't sleep through the night and I still don't have a job.
Happy Birthday from Mom, as well. I love this option for communicating, but I want to check it too much. I have to be careful not to neglect my work to play here.

See you tonight Cedar City Scotts!

I loved your trip update, Parly! Sounds like you guys had a great time in California.

Any news in Houston, Brenton?


Happy Bday Shalyse.
We are coming down to SG today to see mom, dad, and you for your Birthdays. Mom told me she is tending Henry for you and so we are assuming you have plans, but may get to see you when you drop him off or pick him up.
As for an update with the ScottsinCedar. We have the goal of finishing the backyard this summer. I spent all weekend on the tractor moving dirt and so we are that much closer. Plan on a BBQ by mid-summer.
Cooper is a bike riding fool. I took his training wheels off about a year ago and he hasn't really ridden his bike since. Mom (Susan) gave him a scooter for Christmas and he thinks he is the Toni Hawk of scooter riding (only Cooper has more scab than skin on his body right now) Well, this weekend he decided he wants to be a pro bike rider and now we don't see him much. The bike has revolutionized the way he gets around the neighborhood. Watch out--Nick Ence Jr is on the loose.

Today is your Birthday!

The Scotts in Santa Clara wanted to wish Shalyse a very
Happy Birthday! (click on Happy Birthday)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Olive Garden

So it wasn't a rumor or urban legend after all. The Olive Garden has actually made it's way to St. George.

We all remember back in 1998 (date provided by Shayne) when Susan told us the exciting news. Well as the years went by we doubted and each time she told us it was really coming we scoffed at her. She has now had the last laugh. So maybe as a peace offering we should all go and enjoy together.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Jared's photos on Flickr

This is a link to Jared Stanley's photos. There are some for everyone to look at, he is scanning many old photos in and posting them here. It will be especially interesting to Brenton who is in some of the photos.


Friday, March 16, 2007

Just lucky

As I am sure all of you have discussed when I wasn't present, I can't be ahead because of my basketball knowledge. So, not to worry everyone, my luck won't last.

Disney Land

Disney Land was fun. We got to go on fun rides. And eat at cool restranss. Clayre and me got cot and candy. But Clayre and me had to shair with Kate and Mommy and Daddy. I got to buy something at the store in Disney Land and I picked a hairy note book. And it was pink and the pencle was pink too. And it had a crown on it. Disney Land is a fun place to go. I love it.
Love Parly

Glad to be a Scott

Let's make this a place were we can all come and talk together, openly, without any judgements or criticism: A Happy Place......Just joking. What would be the fun in that? We all know that without the slight jabs and witty sarcasm that The Scotts are just...let's be honest, boring. So bring it!!! And enjoy.

By the way Susan I'm not sure how you do it, but if you win another year of March Madness I don't know if I will recover. I hate to admit it, but you have a gift. And the competitiveness in me wants to just make sure I'm ahead of you when it's all over. Don't take it the wrong way...it is always a compliment to be the one everyone is gunning for. So Susan..let's just say, "It is on!"

