Friday, May 15, 2009

heatons trippy

dear maggie and kate-

please come to my house and play again. i promise i will TRY not to chase you with my lizard friends.


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Spring Dance Concert

Presenting Parly Sue and Kate Micah in The Star that Wouldn't Shine.
May 15 & 16 @ 6:30 p.m @ the Dolores Eccles Fine Arts Center.

Also presenting Clayre Don in The Sound of Music (Ballet).
May 16 @ 2:00 p.m @ the Dolores Eccles Fine Arts Center.

You can purchase the tickets through Dixie College. Or that night (I think?)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

What swine flu?

Well, we made it back from our cruise to San Cabo, Mazatlan, and Porta Vallarta. We didn't see anyone wearing masks and didn't really hear about the swine flu until we got back. I guess we were lucky we got there and back. Jana's son, Kolby, is scheduled for the same cruise this Sunday, and the cruise line has cancelled the Mexico itinary and are offering to take them somewhere else - not sure where.

Anyway, thought you might enjoy seeing a few pictures of the trip. We really had a great time and enjoyed the time together.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009