Monday, March 19, 2007


Happy Bday Shalyse.
We are coming down to SG today to see mom, dad, and you for your Birthdays. Mom told me she is tending Henry for you and so we are assuming you have plans, but may get to see you when you drop him off or pick him up.
As for an update with the ScottsinCedar. We have the goal of finishing the backyard this summer. I spent all weekend on the tractor moving dirt and so we are that much closer. Plan on a BBQ by mid-summer.
Cooper is a bike riding fool. I took his training wheels off about a year ago and he hasn't really ridden his bike since. Mom (Susan) gave him a scooter for Christmas and he thinks he is the Toni Hawk of scooter riding (only Cooper has more scab than skin on his body right now) Well, this weekend he decided he wants to be a pro bike rider and now we don't see him much. The bike has revolutionized the way he gets around the neighborhood. Watch out--Nick Ence Jr is on the loose.


phyllip/shalyse said...

Thanks Fire...we'll probably see you tonight. Just curious, do you guys have some kind of savings put away for Cooper when he puts holes in peoples walls and stuff. I hear he has a bowandarrow with a case!

Jaren said...

Not yet, but not a bad idea.

daisy said...

I didn't grow up here so..I don't understand the reference of Nick Ence Jr. I know Nick Ence fill me in. Can't wait for the yummy BB-que this summer. Now I have something to look forward to.

Jaren said...

Nick Ence destroyed everything he touched--including our Atari and Nintendo. He roamed the neighborhood looking for something to terrorize or destroy.

daisy said...

Thanks. I could possibly use that information in the future. Nick Ence is in our ward...and his son (Carter)sounds like he is Nick Jr. as well.

Anonymous said...

Fire, Ryan Slack says hi. I saw him at Sprint.

Jaren said...

Who is this anonymous blogger?

Anonymous said...

Just me.