Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My talk about Alex

We took these pictures with Alex right before he left.

My cousin is going on a mishin. I was there when he got his mishin called to Greece. He is 19 years old. I am going to miss him. But I know that Jesus is going to make sher that he will be safe. I asked him a fyou questions befour he left.
  1. Who are you going to miss the most? he said his family
  2. Are you skeired? he said no I'm excited
  3. What do you do on a mishin? he said you go to houses and shair the gospel
  4. Why are you going on a mishin? he said beacus he got called to go


Shayne said...

Parly that is awesome. You are the best.

mccall... said...

Oh my gosh Parly! Did you know when you were little you were so shy I don't think you could have written or read a talk like that?You made your talk interesting and it showed your testimony and it made sense. I bet all the kids and the teachers loved it, and it would make Alex so proud!

Anonymous said...

Nice job Parley! Thanks for sharing! I love the pictures. Was your talk in primary? You will have to let us know when you give a talk so we can come and listen...you sound like a great speaker!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you Parly. Why didn't you invite me to come and hear you speak? I love to be there when I can, so let me know next time, ok?

You are getting so grown up and I love you very much! I can't believe you will be getting baptized in August! Wow!

See you soon
Love you tons