Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Some of you may remember the Scott Easter P-A-R-T-A-Y. Well, Dad got a few good shots and this one I couldn't resist posting...the glasses are courtesy of Shayne who bought them for Mom to relive her Yuba days. McCall saw them and fell in love. I think if I recall correctly, Shayne would only give them to her if she would really wear how many times HAVE you worn them McCall?


phyllip/shalyse said...

Side note...scottsinsantaclara give us an update on how Kate is doing. Sounds like she is coming home from hospital today? Hope all is well.

daisy said...

McCall...Work it!

mccall... said...

Thanks again Shayne! I wear the glasses regularly and have received a few compliments even! Every time I put them on Coop asks, "Mom, are those your glasses that Shayne bought for you?" Thanks for the photo heatons/papa!