Monday, October 8, 2007


I hear all did well on the marathon. Congrats on being holders of multiple library cards to the same library. If you are wondering, I spent Saturday at the beach with the family. I did feel a little pain on Sunday though as I got a bit of a sunburn. I think I'll be OK though.

I would have liked to have seen Shayne and Daisy trying to put their kids to bed on Saturday night. Who had to drag themselves up the stairs? Hope the girls didn't expect to get an extra drink brought up to them that night.


Shayne said...

We don't get our kids drinks, they get them themselves. And nothing wrong with kissing them goodnight from the bottom of the stairs. Parly has enjoyed being our slave all weekend.

daisy said...

If you really could have seen us, me especially, it was quite humorous.
Kate keeps praying for my foot to get better. Cute. She thinks it's only my foot.
And then when they all got tired of getting me wipes and diapers for Maggie, I said, "Did YOU run a marathon? No, I didn't think so. Now hurry and get me two more wipes." I'm such a good mom!

phyllip/shalyse said...

Yeah, CONGRATS Phyllip, Daisy and Shayne! Phyllip did a 3:29 (second best time), Daisy did 3:39 (BOSTON QUALIFYING TIME!!!), and can check his blog for the update. Nice job guys!